Why Security is essential to the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is beginning to grow here in West Virginia as well as surrounding states. The most essential part of a cannabis company is the security plan and safeguarding your business from day one is a must. This will ensure the inventory of the business is protected right away as well as the assets and employees.
For a cost-effective approach, the company should contract a security team, so their managers can focus on their core business while allowing the contract company to handle any situations that may arise from the security team. With that being said, it is best for the manager(s) of the cannabis company as well as the security team to work together to meet the common goal which is to sell as much product as possible in a safe environment for not only the employees but their customers. In our experience, if a customer is comfortable and feels safe, they will spend more time in a store which then drives the possibility of the customer purchasing more products.
Security America, Inc. recommends using security guards/officers at all cannabis sites. We recommend this because having security officers is more of a deterrent to theft or bodily harm. Security officers will also be able to protect the company's assets as well as others if a situation should arise where an individual or individuals would want to commit a crime of theft and/or bodily harm. Security America, Inc. can also provide cannabis companies a mobile security office, if they choose to use Security America, Inc. for their security needs. Security America provides unarmed and armed security guards in West Virginia(WV), Pennsylvania(PA), and Ohio(OH) for the medical marijuana/cannabis industry. If you would like a proposal for your security needs, please call 888-832-673x x201 or email samail@securityamerica.com.